It's Finally Here!

A s exciting as it may be, this blog post is not the "It" that the title refers to. "It" is that glorious time when stores begin selling Christmas trees (which have already been advertised on TV for months), Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash deer begin crossing the road more frequently than chickens in jokes, and all of America begins either raving about or mocking Pumpkin Spice. You guessed "It": I'm talking about Fall! F all is a season of great enjoyment for people such as myself (of whom, I happen to be one). After the hecticness (that is too a word!) of summertime, we can pull our turtlenecks out of the closet, get back in touch with our inner hermit, and finally slow down to reflect on the memories we made during the past few months. Another thing that people such as myself may do around this time is write blog posts about all of the above. So as I reflect on the whirlwind some have called Summer, here are some observations that come...