It's Finally Here!

As exciting as it may be, this blog post is not the "It" that the title refers to. "It" is that glorious time when stores begin selling Christmas trees (which have already been advertised on TV for months),
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
deer begin crossing the road more frequently than chickens in jokes, and all of America begins either raving about or mocking Pumpkin Spice. You guessed "It": I'm talking about Fall!

Fall is a season of great enjoyment for people such as myself (of whom, I happen to be one). After the hecticness (that is too a word!) of summertime, we can pull our turtlenecks out of the closet, get back in touch with our inner hermit, and finally slow down to reflect on the memories we made during the past few months. Another thing that people such as myself may do around this time is write blog posts about all of the above. So as I reflect on the whirlwind some have called Summer, here are some observations that come to mind:
  • It's a really dumb idea to visit Mount Rushmore on the weekend of July 4th. My visit would have been much more enjoyable if more people understood that. 
^Me and my sister Grace, with "The Association"^
  • Some of my dad's favorite rock bands from the 60's are actually  pretty cool, and apparently still performing! 
  • One of my favorite places in America actually has a very dark secret behind the scenes.
  • Always travel with a hazmat suit in Summer, in case you run into mosquitoes.
  • Never underestimate the power of encouragement.
  • Finally, never take time with your family for granted; whether you're with siblings, parents, or first cousins twice removed (Your grandparent's cousin is your parent's first cousin once removed, and your first cousin twice removed. (Don't make me say that twice.)) Treasure each moment and memory you have with them.
Some of the above points may warrant a future blog post for further explanation. Now that It's Fall, I'll have more time to write so that should work out well. In the meantime, I'd like to share a short video with you, recapping some of the highlights from my Summer!

But I don't have one. TTFN!


  1. Hey! Awesome blog you have! Can't wait for more post!

    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks so much, Autumn!
      Hope you have a blessed day as well!


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