This Doesn't Make Sense

C an we just take a minute to appreciate the complexity of that title? It can and does indicate the nature of the post to follow, but it can also stand alone simultaneously contradicting and proving the very fact it states. Cool, huh!? A lright, enough of that, let's get on with the show. If you have read my blog before or know me personally, you might have noticed that I am a big fan of explanations. I will think, overthink, and rethink anything to find an explanation for said thing. Photo by Ken Treloar on Unsplash Some things need no explanation because they are as obvious as the nose on my face and make perfect sense. Some things positively don't have an explanation and never will, no matter how hard I try to find one. For instance, why do only 9 out of 10 restaurants I enter serve coffee? This is sad. But worse yet, why do 7 of those 9 restaurants have no idea what coffee should taste like (if that's actually coffee they're serving), or that it shoul...