Unhappy Celebrations - The Tale of Two Pictures

Q: What do you call a happy occasion marked by loud festivities and too much food? A: A celebration. Q: What do you call the solemn observance of a memorable occasion? A: Not a celebration. I know what you're thinking... "What the heck is she even talking about?" Well, let's break it down a bit. In an attempt to make fewer riddles and more sense, I present The Tale of Two Pictures. The first picture, in black & white, tells the story of a young man who entered the United States Army as part of the 10th Mountain Division; a man who trained for rugged, mountainous terrain by practicing maneuvers in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. After months of training, his division went on to play a key role in WWII, fighting their way through the snow-covered mountains of Italy and clearing the way for the allied forces who came behind them. The American soldiers were celebrated as heroes by the Italian people, but not by our young man. Regardless of what he and his comrad...