New Year's Resolutions

Image by Brigette Tohm via Unsplash A s a musician, every occasion in my life has a song to go with it. New Year's Day means Auld Lang Syne will be ringing merrily in my ears. All day. On loop. It's a pretty strange song really, but it sure has a catchy tune! A uld Lang Syne is a song I've never quite been able to figure out, not even with Google's help, but what little meaning I've been able to gather goes something like this: " don't let time separate friendships " . That's it. O ne tiny phrase sums up that entire song, but that tiny phrase has an important meaning. Friendships are valuable gifts and we should not take them for granted. The older I get, the more aware of that I become and the more valuable friendships are to me. I must admit that as a traveling musician I am not always the best friend. More often than not, I am a terrible friend! I'm rarely in the same place for more than one or two weeks, including my hometown....