Why Is Growing Up So Hard? Your Worth Isn't Measured by Your Height

" Y ou're growing up to be... so big, so smart, so cute, so much like any number of relatives...", and the list goes on. The phrase "growing up" has been thrust upon me since before I could talk. It was usually based on different adults' varying expectations of me, but it was never really explained. I'm Too Little D oes the phrase "growing up" imply that wisdom or talent is acquired with height? I certainly hope not because if it does, I'm an idiot! Folks, I'm short. Period. In our current residence I can reach the bathroom faucet, but I have to stand on tiptoe to see my forehead in the mirror; at our house in Branson it's the other way around. My Grandma said I drank too much coffee (impossible) and it stunted my growth. If she's right - it was worth it! However, I don't think my height affects my intellect. W ell, if growing up isn't measured by height, then does it mean growing beyond our childish imaginati...