Can't You See America?

I drove under a clear blue sky, across the desert, through the mountains, and into a beautiful valley. I saw the other cars hurrying along the highway to their destinations with nothing holding them back. Throughout the drive I heard no gunshots, I felt no explosions, I saw no threat. I saw America. Image by Aaron Burden via Unsplash I saw a sea of people gathered in one place, watching a football get kicked, thrown, caught, and dropped. This sea of people could safely gather in mass, and the only enemy in their view was when the opposing team had possession of the football. The sea was divided as two sides took turns cheering for the possessor of the football, and yet they were united in their love of football itself. Throughout the duration of the game, and even at the conclusion, I saw no heated or hateful protests. I saw no acts of terrorism or violence. I saw America. I stood on a stage and I saw a crowd of people in front of me. I sang, they, clapped, we all s...